The Secret Weapon Guaranteed to Improve Your Mood and Stress Levels

This is the single most effective intervention for people plagued with a host of negative stress outcomes. It is also the simplest and most accessible.

The downside is that it is one of those annoying things that we know is good for us but we don’t do it. Or we do it a bit sometimes.

So really the thing itself is no secret at all. What is secret is how damned effective it is. Those who have it as part of their wellbeing arsenal know it well. They rely on it. They are devoted to it. No matter if their day is good or bad, it makes it better.

No drumroll required…yes, it is daily walking or equivalent exercise. But wait! Here’s where I try to let you in on the secret part.

This has little to do with improving your fitness or keeping your weight in check – although they are certainly benefits. It has more to do with the medical research finding that daily walking can be as effective as antidepressants, in some respects more so.

Do it and you will be less prone to the negative impacts of stress. Your mood will benefit. You will feel better than you would have felt without it.

It will not solve all your problems but feeling better is guaranteed. In all my years of recommending it, whenever someone does it, it works.

And here’s a taste of why…

Top 10 reasons daily walking helps you master stress

1. The chemical lift

Walking will have a positive effect on your brain chemistry. It is a natural mood lifter.

2. Direct stress reduction

Exercise reduces your levels of stress hormones and counters other stress reactions in your body, for example it eases tension.

3. Better sleep, more energy

Regular physical exertion that gets your heart and lungs going will improve your sleep and energy levels.

4. A body that works better

You will improve mobility, metabolism and digestion. You can’t not feel better. Walking helps stabilise blood sugar levels…and your mood.

5. Less feeling stuck and negative

Staying active and walking daily whether you feel like it or not helps keep a stress-induced overactive right brain in check. High stress levels compromise left brain functions like problem solving and planning, leaving you more exposed to right brain negative emotions and feeling stuck.

In terms of negative thoughts and emotions (including hopelessness) a daily habit of exercise is helpful in prevention and recovery.

6. Awakened senses

Stress relegates you to worrying, rumination or numbness — when you are stressed your limbic system (the part of the brain associated with basic emotions like fear and anger) dominates and it’s difficult to get your pre-frontal cortex (aka the brain’s brain) online. Bring it back online by engaging your senses.

7. Being reminded of nature — life, the universe and everything

A daily habit of walking is a powerful reminder that there is more to life. There is more to life than what is troubling you right now. And just as important, there is more than just the way you are feeling (or not feeling if numbness is your reaction).

Exercising outside is best because it exposes you to nature, even if it is just some trees or the weather. If you’re in the city the reminder might be more about humanity than nature but that works too. “Stress promotes self-absorption, getting out for a walk diminishes it.” The effect is one of decentering or detaching a little from the stressful world of our own head, relationships, workplace or online spaces. Get out for a walk and get out of it all.

8. A boost in self-esteem

You will not only feel better for walking daily, you will feel better about yourself. Research has shown a link between increased fitness and self-esteem but I’ve found there’s more to it.

Making regular exercise happen is a significant achievement for most us, with our over-stuffed, rapid-paced lives. It’s almost an act of defiance to drop everything no matter how stressful it may seem, and to take time out to walk. (If you’re suffering from a depressed mood, going for your walk will be even harder to make happen but equally, more beneficial.)

Doing something so positive for yourself, you can’t help but feel good about yourself. And so you should.

9. Retaining control and staying connected

When stress escalates it saps you of a sense of control. You feel like you’re losing your grip on life. Daily exercise provides the traction you need.

No matter what the day throws at you, sticking to your exercise schedule helps you dodge the blow. Or it at least blunts its force.

I’m sure you will be familiar with the fact that stress, and even more so depression, invites you to withdraw — from much of what you love most about life. A habit of exercise thwarts this effect and helps you stay connected. Yes, it’s good for your relationships too.

10. An almost magic catalyst for positive life change

Here’s the final secret about adding daily exercise to your wellbeing armoury.

It takes time and effort to establish the ritual, and probably several false starts. But once you’ve cracked it the rewards will follow, including some that are unexpected.

I’m not overstating it when I say that when people do this they start to do all sorts of other great stuff too. It’s like flicking a switch that has them think, ‘well if I can exercise regularly, I can do this too’.

Anything from quitting bad habits and cleaning up their diets, to skyrocketing their productivity, or rediscovering an old passion like writing, music, painting…their sex life!

Are you in?

Trouble Relaxing? Here’s the Answer…Even if You’re Plagued with Stress and Tension

You can’t rid your life of stress.

You can perhaps reduce it and learn to better manage it. But in varying degrees, stress is here to stay.

Part of dealing with it is looking after your body. It cannot withstand being under pressure for prolonged periods. You know your own body’s telltale signs of too much stress. Is it headaches? Heartburn? Constipation or irritable bowel? Bung neck or back?

I’m a big advocate of meditation and mindfulness as powerful tools to respond to stress and feel better in life. But as some of you have reminded me, at times and for some people meditative practices are a bridge too far.

It’s true. When you’re overwhelmed to the point that thinking clearly and sitting still are a challenge, meditation is not the immediate answer. Even if you’re not that stressed, it may be too damn hard to sit still and tune in when doing so is utterly foreign to you.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Here is the answer. You may be familiar with it. Certainly it’s been around since well before our time but don’t dismiss it too quickly. It is progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). It is simple and effective. You can learn or relearn to relax, or access your capacity to relax when stress has disabled it.

It takes little time and the gains can be immediate if you allow them. All that is required is your willingness.

Do it and you can ease the tension in your body and provide it with the relief it requires to go on functioning okay. Keep doing it and you become accustomed to the contrast between tension and relaxation throughout your body. You begin to notice tension spontaneously and can ease it.

And as an added bonus practicing PMR is an excellent interim step to meditation….should you decide at some point to take that now easier next step.

For now have a listen and give it a go – it works!

Intro PMR (2 minutes):

PMR Exercise (17 minutes):